Thursday 25 February 2010

That story..

Loneliness and emptiness looms heavily like suspended mist over a ghost town; emotions burning...churning..frothing and foaming...and boiling over into nothingness, for no one. A film of insanity settling over like dust day by day; where is that elusive mirage that the heart chases or is it just hallucinations?!? Memories rush in..flood in to fill the void and with each step they trample over and break something, and then feel guilty..for they came in to soothe but its just blood all around...somewhere thick, dark and clotted and somewhere thinning in tears. The savior needs saving...with a hand held outstretched and muted speech but screaming anyone out there..anyone at all?! where do all the Princes come from when rescuing is needed from life itself..?!?